
Its not pretty but its working!

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This journey is about living on Faith, which for me means trusting that by following my heart I am doing what I am meant to be doing with my life and that I will be supported both by myself and by others in a variety of ways. I believe that we need each other as a species and life is not meant to be lived alone. The entire world is a community in which we give and take from each other. Over the last 3 1/2 years it has been proven to me repeatedly that this is true. By helping others we are truly helping ourselves.

I spent years focused on others, leaving myself out of the equation and now is my time to bring balance into my life by asking for what I need. I am healing myself  and in turn others benefit by hearing my story, witness my changes, learning from what I have to say and do, where my journey leads me and the more I heal, the more I have to offer. If you would like to donate funds to help me continue on my journey or if you would like to donate directly to any of the people or programs that I am writing about please do so. Just send an email to the contact info at the bottom of any blog post and let me know where you want your money to go. Any amount helps and it is all appreciated more than any words can ever express. It is all Love and it all comes back to us! Thank you very much for helping me and those in need.

When you donate please  indicate where you would like your love (donation) to be used in the comment box of the PayPal page.

Current ways to put your Love Into Action include:

1) “Thriller Group” is a group of dancers made up of street kids from Kacyiru sector in Kigali City, Rwanda that formed in preparation for “Thrill The World Kigali 2013”. This group needs a safe place to practice, a speaker, costumes, transportation and money for miscellaneous things to help them move forward (ie: money for internet to learn more dances and to stay connected to events in the city). Currently this group is made up of mostly street kids who have very little and there is lots opportunity to help with donations for food, clothes, housing, medicine, etc. (Please indicate “Thriller” in the comment box of Pay Pal)


2) Inkondo Z’incamhingo (Small but Strong) is a local Traditional Dance group and my friend and fellow Thrill The World Participant Gilbert Rutaremara is their leader.  This money supports the dancers who are orphans and children of poor families that have very little to go to school, buy food, buy/rent performance costumes, pay for a practice space and anything else that they may need to keep the dancing and off the streets. (please indicate “traditional” in the comment box of PayPal)

You can also support Gilbert directly in his efforts to give these kids a chance in life. He is an orphan of the Genocide struggling but has some support from an American family. He offers his talents and skills to these poor children everyday because he believes it is his duty to give back. This means he does not have a job while he is in school and chooses to put these kids before his own needs. I feel he deserves to be supported for his time and efforts.

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3) Sponsor one of the dancers to go to school. This small act of love is life changing for any one of the children in a family and has a positive impact on the entire family, community and culture. Prices vary depending on school (private or public) but ranges from $100 – $230 per year. I know the kids personally and have many trust worthy people in Rwanda just waiting to help make this happen. (Please indicate “School” in the comment box of  PayPal)

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3) Support Amanda’s journey of following her heart!  This money goes towards supporting me in my projects that serve as healing tools for myself but also as a way to help others.

Projects in the past include: Thrill The World Kigali 2013, Love Hoop Rwanda, Healing Art.

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Projects for the future include: Thrill The World Niarobi 2014, Motivational speaking program, publishing my first book, sexual education projects based on the teachings of Yoga and my life experiences, Healing Through Art projects, Dance workshops, and my ultimate goal of starting a charity to support all of the healing work that I feel drawn to offer back to the world. I welcome any and all support, suggestions, ideas and opportunity to learn and work with others. (Please indicate “Amanda” in the comment box of PayPal)

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