I am an Adult now!

I don’t live life like a young girl anymore……I live life like a WOMAN!

Hit Play on this video. scroll down and be serenaded into my adult life!

When I was a teeny weeny little girl, playing by myself in the basement in Dauphin, MB,  I would stand on colourful wooden storage boxes that my dad built and say to myself…”When I’m a grown up I will be this tall!!” I would take in the view from way up there and dream of being an ADULT!

I also knew that when I was 40 I would officially be an adult! I don’t know where this one came from but now that I am officially 40 years and 2 days old, I thought it was time to honour the part of me who has been waiting patiently for this day for over 35 years! Here you go tiny Amanda – Enjoy!

Here is what being an ADULT looks like for us………..

Forty and Fabulous!

I get to clean toilets while being Fabulous and 40!
Big ol’ bathtub rings get the sparkle treatment in this Fab 40 lifestyle!
Dirty Dishes don’t stand a chance in this Fabulous kitchen!

The only thing thats a little dirty in this fabulous kitchen is…Me!!

These balls get plenty of hot, wet, soapy action in my Fabulous 40 Life!


The only dust you’ll be seeing from this Fab 40 is from the stuff she leaves behind while blazing new trails for herself!

Fabulous and Forty, Amanda really knows her way around a garden hose! Work it…….Fabulous!


What….there’s a leak in the roof……FABULOUS!!


Even Trash makes a Fabulous entrance – just in time to be picked up;)
Mow that lawn Fabulous Lady!

Whack those weeds Fabulous lady!!

Growing my own food is a Fabulous thing to do at 40!
Nothing says “I have a Fabulous life cause I’m 40!” more than picking up after my furry friends! Thanks Rupert! Any mundane task can be made “Fabulous” when done with STYLE, GRACE and an ATTITUDE of FABULOUSNESS!
Things I know at 40….never trim nose hairs before a performance! They have a job to do – let them do it!!!


Well there you go little Amanda, finally we are an Adult!

We Got this!

Happy Birthday and Welcome to your 40’s! 

p.s. Never stop living life like you did when you were standing on those boxes! Stay curious, optimistic and excited about whats to come!! It seriously gets better!


Thank you Sarah MacGregor for entertaining and capturing my childlike desires!!